Sunday, January 6, 2013

Joshua Tree

We were sick for an entire week after Christmas.  One activity after another that we had planned was canceled and we spent our time in bed, sitting by the fire and laying around.  The whole family got it and we ended up having to cancel the New Years Party we had planned.  Finally by Saturday most of us were feeling better and only still coughing here and there.  We decided to go to Joshua Tree to get out of the sick house and into the sun.  It was a nice day there and about 55 degrees which was way warmer than it was anywhere else in nation.  The sun felt so nice.  We invited two families to go with us out there.

Mostly the adults would get the opportunity to climb and the kids were encouraged to boulder around and to run and play.  They would rather find treats to eat.  Cameron chose to climb with his pack on so that he could set up another climb when he got to the top.  
 One of my friend's had her first climb ever that day.  She did great climbing a  Joshua Tree 5.6 which is never easy.
 The Belay slaves of the time...
 AJ made it to the top and Cathy is almost there!
 She made it!  Good job!
 Cameron is climbing a 5.10A.  He did a great job and made it to the top... twice!
 Ali and Jarom were pondering what else they should do.
 The little kids enjoyed rock climbing around just as much as the adults.
 Ashling begged for a turn and got one at the end of the day.  Since she didn't have climbing shoes it was a little too hard for her to finish but she managed to hang on for so long that her legs hurt whenever she walked for a week!