I love summer time. I was a little hesitant to have Ali out of school but the closer it got the more I looked forward to it. And Ashling really looked forward to having Ali home to play with. It reminds me of being a kid now that I don't have to drive Ali to and from school. I have nowhere I have to go and nowhere I have to be. I am still in my pjs and I don't care. I may decide not to even get dressed today!
We have had a couple of wonderful lazy days that fit the summer mold. We have watched movies, woke up late, ate junk food (especially the girls) and just played. I have done a lot of reading. The girls are outside right now with the hose on and making a water slide with their small slide. They are also eating ice pops! They are also trying to capture a butterfly which is Ali's very favorite thing to do. They have been playing that they are puppies and then they change in to ballerinas. I am enjoying my garden that is finally growing and enjoying reading stories to the girls in bed. I love how the girls crawl into my bed each morning and get warm. (Our nights are still pretty cool especially with the windows open.)
We also went up to Green Valley lake this weekend with the Lintons and went swimming. It was fun to see the girls both doing a pretty good job. We took our boogie boards and used them as little rafts. Ashling is getting pretty brave in the water as long as she has floaties on.
On Saturday Ali also had her dance recital. I am a lame mom and took video but I didn't take any pictures so unless I get her dressed again you won't see the pictures. She danced to a dance called singing in the shower. They had on little costumes that looked like towels and wore shower caps. The stage had clear shower curtains that they danced around. It was a pretty cute show.
Written by: Melissa (Ina thinks that we need to sign our names at the bottom since Cameron and I both write on here.)
Slow Start
1 week ago
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