I like to write about new and different experiences and this one was really different. Cameron went on a trip to the Sierras to climb and I decided to go see my sister again. (No this is not the new experience as I have been there twice this year.) I love her house and her pool and the fact that there are more adults than kids in her house no matter how many kids I bring. I love the help that Grandma, Auntie and Uncle Tony bring to the picture and I still loved all of that this time.
I was amazed to discover that in Phoenix they have no COLD WATER! When I got there I put one of the many gallons of water I bought in their fridge and left it. A few hours later we decided to go swimming with Stacey on her break. I jumped in the pool expecting to be refreshed. But seriously the pool was about 98 degrees! When I came inside I went to get water out of the fridge but it wasn't cold yet. Later that night I tried to take a cold shower to cool off after the pool. The water coming out of the shower seemed warmer than the pool water and it was on as cold as it gets. Another day I tried another shower but this shower too produced only warm water (no cold.) Ashling even complained that the coldest water was too hot. Sorry babe I can't seem to get it any colder. We thought it would be fun to visit the water park. But again the water was not cold or even cool. It was warm water everywhere! And warm water does not cool you off!
I can not imagine how the pioneers who settled Phoenix survived. They did not have air conditioning and I think I might have died with out it. On the way home I stopped at a gas station to get gas. I pulled under the shaded structure and started to fill my car up. Even in the shade the blacktop heat seared my legs. I was worried about leaving the kids in the car while getting gas even in the artificial shade. Finally at home I turned on the faucet and was relieved to discover that our water was still cold!
Slow Start
1 week ago
I never noticed that before...but I think I've always been to Mesa in the winter. Cool water is what's keeping me happy this summer!
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