Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy 12th Birthday Ali

Ali turned 12 this year.  It is a big birthday.  No longer is she in Primary but now she is in Young Womens and that means she is treated like a Young Woman.  I think that the church expects a lot from the youth these days and treats them more and more like they are grown than they used to.  I explained to Ali that she had been taught all that she needed to know and now we would help assist her in applying what she had learned in to her life.  

She is a great young woman who has learned a lot over the years and I couldn't ask for a more responsible daughter.  She is always on top of everything... organization in her room or our house, school work, church assignments... anything she can do she tries to do.  She is a great help in our house, she baby sits, does a multitude of chores and can cook many meals all by herself.  

For her birthday she had a couple friends over and they did girly things.  One girl spent the night and she enjoyed it all.  We wrapped her presents up and secretly put her iphone inside a camelback we got her for hiking.  She was very excited but I forgot to take any pictures of the event...