Annika is now 3 weeks old. I wasn't sure I was going to include a post for three weeks but this morning Annika impressed me so I needed to post. I put her under her play gym where she proceeded to reach out and push the toys that rattled around deliberately. She liked being able to hit the toys with her hands and also grabbed them and held on to them. A little later I turned her over on her tummy. She didn't seem to like this for more than two or three minutes and so I went to turn her back over. While I was watching she rolled from her tummy to her back. Did you hear that? My 3 week old rolled over! I seem to not be being heard when I ask that she stays a newborn forever! I put her back on her tummy and yes she rolled again....
Slow Start
1 week ago
Wow! She is going to be a very bright child.
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