Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Our date with Ashling

On Friday we went on a date with Ashling. Cameron had a furlough day and so he got to come along too. We decided to hike down to deep creek by a trail that was about 2 - 2 1/2 miles each way. It was an interesting trail. A lot of deep creek drainage was burned by the fire is 2007 and they are doing a lot of burned tree logging down there. The road that we hiked on for the first mile was very dusty, ashy and otherwise full of very loose dirt that ended up in our hair, shoes and shorts.

The way varied from deep full growth forest, to completely burned out areas with only green underbrush. We obviously appreciated the tree covered areas. It was interesting how in some places the forest had made a come back from the fire and in others there was just nothing left to come back. Fire is sure an amazing way to completely change the landscape.

On our hike we held Ashling's hand, interviewed her about her favorites (she loves pink, Ariel, hiking with Mommy and Daddy, M&M's, hot dogs, peanut butter and jelly, polly pockets and swimming.) and just paid a lot of individual attention to her.

I was stunk or bit by a bee or something for excitement and it hurt!

At last we made it to the river.

I think that it was a lot of fun to take one of our kids out without the others and I recommend it to everyone as a good idea.