Annika is now 3 months old! I can't believe how fast time flies when you are having fun! And we are having fun! She is sleeping through the night and still sleeping much like a newborn. She goest to sleep so easily. I just lay her down in her crib all swaddled and she is asleep soon without any crying!
She is laughing and giggling and cooing for everyone. She loves to play with toys and is beginning to hold things in her hands although she is not always sure how to do that. She loves her sisters and wants them to play with her although she is not as keen of their many hugs and kisses (called smothering). She rolls over but only sometimes and not always when she wants to. She is not happy when put on her tummy and spends her time trying to get out of that position and whining. (This is about the only time she whines.) She puts her entire fist in her mouth and loves it being there. I think she would sleep all night that way but I still swaddle her so she can't get her fist into her mouth. Instead she has a pacifier that she holds on to even when she is crying!
Last time she was weighed she was 12 pounds 10 ounces and so I am sure she is now about 13 pounds. She is growing and growing and looks a little chunky and rolly polly just like a 3 month old should look! I love having her to keep us all jumping with her few demands!
Slow Start
1 week ago
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