Thursday, April 2, 2009

The brown and blue dress

I bought this dress for Ashling last summer. I love it and on Sunday Ashling wore it to church for the last time. It is getting too short, already! I wish I could stop my girls from growing! I love having three little girls and I do not want them to grow up. That is until I am wishing for Ali to be old enough to baby-sit or wishing that Ashling was in Kindergarten so that I could run again. Isn't it silly how sometimes we wish the kids would grow up faster when we know that they really grow up way too fast already?


Stacey and Tony said...

She could wear it now with Capris or shorts under as a play or casual dress. That would be cute!

PS. Sorry you are sick. =(

Cameron/Melissa said...

Yes maybe she could but I folded it up and will save it for Annika. It is too cute to not save for her! I would come see you guys if I wasn't sick... but I guess that is the reason we can't do anything.

Shar said...

That dress really is so cute! And I agree on the whole growing up thing. I'll often think, "I can't wait until Kapria can do this..." and then I realize that I don't want her changing so fast. I want to enjoy her where she is for awhile!

I hope you all feel better. Being sick with 3 of us was no fun...I can't imagine 3 kids being sick at once!