For Relief society and Priesthood on Sunday we had a combined meeting that our Stake President taught. He had the Stake Presidencies teach all the kids so that every adult in our branch was there. We learned about the importance of deliberate parenting and the importance of being a parent to our children. We made a list of things to do and I thought I would post it here because it is a good list.
Family Dinner-this item was at the top because it is the most important
Be Parents first- friends is second
Family Home Evening
Be a good example
Be Consistant
set clear boundaries and guidelines
enlightened strictness
explore alternatives if you can't say yes to something (the kids are not having overnights at hotels for prom with the opposite sex but you could offer a chaperoned alternative that is still fun.
instill gratitude and reverence
Start young with the rules
Modesty in dress
Let the kids earn perks for good behavior
Find positives in each kid and let them know often!
Teach the Why of God's laws
Give Opportunities to feel the Spirit.
Make sure each Child feels needed
This list helps us to raise children who can combat the tough world we live in. These children will be ready to face the world and instead choose to accept God's laws and choose to have eternal happiness. I thought it was interesting how important Family Dinner is and I want to make sure that our family continues to have good family dinners each and every night.
Slow Start
1 week ago
this is a great list - thanks for sharing! i'm curious what "enlightened strictness" means. and i'd love to hear ideas of perks to earn. my kids earn dates with mom and dad, but i can't decide if i like having them earn that or if it should be something they get no matter their behavior - because if a child is really struggling, doesn't that mean they need a date with mom and dad even more?
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